

3rd Class (Science) Notes 1st Term


                                                                                      Three Class Science Notes First Term

                                   Subject: Science  First Term Class Three

                                                (Subjective & Objective)

                                                Chapter 1 : Healthy living

Q1. What is diet?

Q2. Why we need food?

Q3. Define a balanced diet?

Q4. What are nutrients? Name them

Q5. Why food should be stored?

Q6.Write different ways of storing food.

Q7. How can we keep our teeth clean and healthy?

Q8. Write down the names and functions of teeth.

Q9. Define herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Give their examples.

Q10. What is the importance of exercise in our daily life?


Diagrams: Labeling. Pg. 17. Identify pgs 3,25,26,27,28


           Fill in the blanks

1.       The food we eat is called …………………….

2.       Eating food that is stale can make us ………………………

3.       ……………………. Are animals which have sharp pointed canines for gripping and tearing meat.

4.       Yoga improves the movement of muscles and ……………………..

5.       ……………………. Can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

6.       A…………………….. is a tool for collecting information.

7.       Sugary and starchy types of foods are rich in …………………………

8.       To have a healthy life we should have a …………………….. diet.

9.       Fruits and vegetables are rich in ……………………… and minerals.

10.   Exercise help those who are overweight to ……………………… weight.


          Choose the best answer

1.       An adult has a set of  ……………………. Permanent teeth.  (36, 32)

2.       A …………………… eats both plants and animals  ( gorilla, wolf )

3.       We should eat little from this food group. ( fats, proteins )

4.       Walking, cycling, jogging, swimming makes our muscles and ………………… strong. ( heart, joint)

5.       A new born baby has ………………….. teeth.  ( no, some )

6.       There are eight incisors at the …………………….. of our mouth.  ( back, front )

7.       A deer has a flat row of ……………………. To chew food.  ( canines, molars )

8.       Food kept in containers can be stored for many months in a ………………… dry place. (hot, cool)

9.       These type of food do not go bad quickly.  ( milk, fish ____ nuts, biscuits )

10.   ……………………. And sugar stuck on teeth can cause plaque to from.  ( food, water )

         Write  “T” for true and “F” for false

1.       Once a can is opened the food must be stored in a refrigerator                      [           ]

2.       Keeping our teeth clean prevent from tooth aches.                                           [           ]

3.       We should exercise at least for 30 minutes every day.                                       [           ]

4.       Regular exercise keeps us fit both in mind and body.                                         [           ]

5.       Drink fruit juices instead of sugar.                                                                          [           ]

   Match the following nutrients with their functions




Fight against disease and keep us healthy


Give us a lot of energy


Provide us energy and help us to grow

Vitamins & minerals

Provide energy and keep us warm


                                                             Chapter 2: Fish and Frogs  (Subjective)

Q1. How streamlined body of a fish help it to move in water.

Q2. What are the characteristics of a fish?

Q3. Why a frog can jump very far?

Q4. Write down the characteristics of a frog?

Q5. Where do frogs live?

Q6. Where do fish live?

Q7. What is the diet of small and big fish?

Q8. How are marsupial frogs special in that they take care of their eggs or young unlike other frogs?


Diagrams: Labeling. Pgs 44,48,52. Work page 54

            Choose the best answer

1.       Fish which live in ……………………. Water can be found in seas and oceans.  ( fresh, sea )

2.       Frogs are ……………………………..  ( Amphibians, fish )

3.       A ……………….. do not have a body covering.  ( fish, frog )

4.       A ………………………… is a kind of fish.  ( jellyfish, seahorse )

5.       Small fish may eat algae or tiny living things called ………………………..  ( plankton, plant )

6.       Adult frogs are ………………………   ( carnivores, herbivores )

7.       Frogs breathe and absorb water through their ……………………….  ( lungs. Skin )

8.       A ……………………. is able to breathe with its lungs.   ( tadpole, froglet )

9.       Tadpole use ……………………. to swim in water.  ( tail, fins )

10.   Fish have ……………………. on their bodies for protection.   ( fur, scales )


             Fill in the blanks

1.       All living things need………………… , ………………… and  …………………… to live.

2.       Fish and frog belong to a group of animals called ……………………….

3.       Some frogs have long sticky ………………………. For catching insects.

4.       Most fish have …………………….. bodies for moving quickly and smoothly.

5.       The blending in of animals with their surroundings is called ……………………….

6.       The ……………………… legs of a frog develop first.

7.       When a tadpole develops into a frog, its till …………………………..

8.       A fish move with the help of its ……………………… and ………………………

9.       Fish and tadpole breathe with ………………………..

10.   Tadpole feed on ………………….. and water plants.


Write “T” for true and “F” for false

1.       Fish and frogs lay eggs with shells.                                                                        [           ]

2.       Guppies mollies and swordtail give breathe to their young alive.                   [           ]

3.       Shell fish, jelly fish, star fish are not actually fish.                                               [           ]

4.       Tadpole and froglets are carnivores.                                                                     [           ]

5.       The stone fish looks like stones.                                                                             [           ]

                                                                    Chapter 3: Force  (Subjective)

Q1. Define a force.

Q2. Give five examples of forces from your daily life.

Q3. Define a magnetic force of :              a. attraction             b. repulsion            

Q4. What are different types of forces?  Define each of them

Q5. What can force do?

Q6. How can we measure a forces?

Q7. Name the things can that exert force.

Q8. Why do the hairs on your arm stand when you touch a T.V screen?

Diagrams: Identify pg: 61,68,70,73,75. Work page 64


            Fill the blanks

1.       …………………………. Is a contact force.

2.       Two like poles ……………………… each other.

3.       Forces can be measured by instruments called ……………………….

4.       We cannot stay up in air, as ……………………… pulls us down.

5.       A force can change the ………………………. Of a moving object.

6.       Magnetic force, electric force and gravity are …………………….. force.

7.       A sliding coin slows down due to ……………………..

8.       A  …………………….. is a pull or a push.

9.       Forces are measured units called ……………………….

10.   The ……………………. Of an object is the gravitational force acting on it.

11.   Kicks and throws are ……………………..

12.   Flying of a kite is ……………………….


Choose the best answer

1.       Objects in the air fall on the earth due to …………………………   ( gravity, friction )

2.       A …………………… can act on another object without touching it.   ( contact, non-contact )

3.       Muscles and machines can exert ……………………   ( force, things )

4.       Friction acts in ………………………. Direction.  ( opposite, same )

5.       A toy car movies when we give a ……………………….    ( pull, push )

6.       When we rub a balloon on our clothes it become ……………………… charged.  

                                                                                                                         ( magnetically, electrically )

7.       Magnets can attract objects made of …………………………. Material.   ( metallic, magnetic )

8.       When we walk there is …………………….. between our shoes and the ground.

                                                                                                                          ( friction, attraction )

9.       A force meter is also called a ……………………….    ( Volta meter, Newton meter )

10.   Friction can ……………………. The moving objects.   ( speed up, slow down )



Write “T” for true and “F” for false

1.       The force of typhoon or an earth quake can damage many things.                               [           ]

2.       Unlike poles do not attract each other.                                                                               [           ]

3.       The unit Newton is named after of the famous scientist sir Isaac Newton.                  [           ]

4.       Many actions in our daily life involve forces.                                                                      [           ]

5.       A spring balance is not used to measure the weight of objects.                                     [           ]



                             Chapter 4:  Materials and their properties  (Subjective)


Q1. Define flexible and inflexible materials.

Q2. What is a fair test?

Q3. How metals can be made stronger?

Q4. Why glass should be handled with care?

Q5. What properties plastic have that are used to make electrical plugs?

Q6. Why is it important to have a diversity of materials?

Q7. What kind of material is used to make electrical wires?


         Diagrams: Identify pg.77, 101. Label pg 102.



       Fill in the blanks


1.       …………………………. Is used to make water hoses and mats.

2.       The frame of a bicycle is made of ………………………. Because it is hard and strong.

3.       A kitchen towel is made of an ………………………….. material that can soak up water.

4.       Glass is used to make camera as it is ………………………..

5.       Concrete is combined with …………………………. To make it strong.

6.       ……………………….. can also be improved to make them suitable for their uses.

7.       ……………………….. is the hardest material in the world.



   Match the following

1.       Flexibility

a.       Ability to support heavy load.

2.       Hardness

b.      Ability to soak up water.

3.       Strength

c.       Ability to bend easily.

4.       Absorbency

d.      Ability to withstand scratches.



       Match the following


1.       Which of these can carry a heavier load without breaking?  (paper bag, plastic bag )

2.       Glass is inflexible and …………………………   ( soft, hard )

3.       ………………………. Are man-made materials.  ( plastic, metals )

4.       Plastic that are used to make cling wrap are flexible, light and ……………………….

                                                                                                              ( absorbent, waterproof )

5.       A bicycle is made of …………………………. Materials.   ( same, difference )

6.       ………………………… is used as building material and to make furniture.   ( plastic, wood )

7.       A…………………………. is a habitat that has high rainfall and supports a diversity of flora and fauna.

8.       …………………………. Can cause soil erosion and organism to die.

9.       A ………………………….. is a place where an organism lives.

10.   A food chain starts with a …………………………. Such as a plant which can make its own food.




               Write “T” for true and “F” for false

1.       Clearing forests and developing them into farmlands destroys habitats.                        [           ]

2.       A desert is home to many organisms which live in water like fish, corals.                       [           ]

3.       A community consists of population living together in a habitat.                                     [           ]

4.       Cactus stores water in its leaves.                                                                                             [           ]

5.       The streamlined body of fish enables it to move quickly and smoothly in water.          [           ]

6.       The arctic is a day place with little rainfall and few plants and animals.                          [           ]


                                          Chapter 2 :  Moving and growing  (Subjective)


Q1. What are bones?

Q2. Give the scientific names of collar bone, skull. Shoulder blade, shin bone, back bone, and hip bone.

Q3. What are the function of skeleton?

Q4. Define exoskeleton and endoskeleton.

Q5. Name animals: a without skeleton.   B  with exoskeleton .     c.  with endoskeleton.

Q6. Define joint why are they important  for the human body ?

Q7. How many types of joints are present in the human body explain each with examples.

Q8. Give two examples of joints in the human body that behave like door hinges.

Q9. What are the muscles of arm called?

Q10. How many muscles are there in human body?

Q11. Define tendons.

Q12. Which is the largest and strongest tendon and where is it found?

Q13. What is the importance of skeletal muscles?

         Diagrams: Labeling Pg. 53, 56, 57, Identify joints. Pg 47

                                                                                    Objective Part


              Choose the best answer

1.       An adult has ………………………….. bones .   ( 300, 206 )

2.       Bones are made up of …………………………  ( calcium, protein )

3.       Giraffe has same number of bones in its ……………………… as in human beings.   ( neck, legs )

4.       We can turn head, move arms and legs due to …………………………   ( flesh, joints )

5.       The biceps and triceps work ………………………. To move our arms.   ( in pairs, separately )

6.       The smallest bone in the human body is called ………………………  ( pelvis, stirrup )

7.       When you straighten your arm…………………… muscles relax.  ( biceps, triceps )

8.       A ………………………. does not have arm and leg bones.  ( snake, bat )

9.       The largest and strongest bone in our body is ……………………….   ( radius, femur )

10.   ……………………… joint help us to rotate in all directions.  ( hinge, ball & socket )











               Fill in the blanks

1.       Muscles ………………………… and expand to enable us move.

2.       The human ………………………. Is made up of bones.

3.       ……………………… is made in the bone marrow.

4.       The strongest tendon in the human body is the ………………………. Tendon.

5.       ……………………. Protects the brain and …………………….. protects heart and lungs.

6.       Heart is a ………………………. Pump.

7.       Muscles can ………………………. And pull.

8.       ………………………. Connect muscles to bones.

9.       Dinosaurs became ………………………. Even before the first human beings appeared on earth.

10.   Goose bumps are controlled by the muscles present in the ………………………..


Write “T” for true and “F” for false

1.       Without a skeleton for support, we would be as floppy as a jellyfish.                            [           ]

2.       A bird has wings but a bat do not.                                                                                         [           ]

3.       Thumb joint is a type of pivot joint.                                                                                       [           ]

4.       Muscles of our face enable us to make facial expressions.                                               [           ]

5.       All muscles are attached to our bones.                                                                                 [           ]

6.       Triceps and biceps are the muscles present in our upper arm.                                        [           ]


                       Chapter 3:  Friction and how objects move  (Subjective)


Q1. Define friction

Q2. How friction helps you to ride a bicycle?

Q3. How can you reduce friction between moving parts?

Q4. Make a list where friction works?

Q5. What affects friction?

Q6. What is air and water resistance.

Q7. How does the surface area of a parachute effects its fall?

Q8. How does a competitive cyclist reduce air resistance?

Q9. Name the types of friction present between a marble spinning in a bowl of water.

       Diagrams: Identify friction pg 62-67. Label pg 63


                                                                      Objective Part

              Choose the best answer

1.       ………………… can move an object, change its shape, direction and speed.  [ force, weight ]

2.       …………………….. is the force that oppose motion.   [ heat, friction ]

3.       Air and water resistance can be reduced by having a …………………………. Shape.

                                                                                                                              [ round, streamlined ]

4.       Opening the lid of a container is difficult with ……………………….. hands.   [ dry, soapy ]

5.       Usually, there is greater friction when an object moves on a ………………………. Surface.

                                                                                                                                        [  rough, smooth ]

6.       The air resistance is ………………………… than the water resistance.   [ smaller, larger ]

7.       The air resistance pushes you …………………………….. and slows you down.    [ back, front ]





                                        Subject : Science  First Term Class Four

                                            Chapter 1 : Habitats (Subjective & Objective)

Q1. What are organisms?

Q2. Define the following terms:

a.       Flora     b.  Fauna     c.  Population      d.   Community

Q3. Explain the term habitat. Give five examples of habitats.

Q4. How would you describe invertebrates? Give examples

Q5. Define the followings:

a.       Consumer.     b.   producer.     c.   predator.     d.    prey.

Q6. What are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores?

Q7. Define a food chain.

Q8. How do adaptations help an organism.

Q9. Compare the leaves of water lily with cactus.

Q10. What adaptations have camel to survive in the desert?

Q11. Define deforestation and pollutants?

Diagrams: 1. Identify habitats, deforestation and pollution (pg 4,5,6,7&24-27)

                    2. Draw different food chains (pg 12,14,15) Label pg 17-20


                                                                         Objective Part

              Choose the best answer

1.       The harmful substances that dirty our surroundings are……………………  ( ores, pollutants )

2.       In 2010 the …………………… in the Gulf of Mexico killed many organisms.  ( oil spill, uranium )

3.       A …………………….has wings and six legs.   ( ant, cricket )

4.       In …………………… stomata are found on the upper side of leaf.   ( water lily, cactus )

5.       …… ……………….can cause landslides that kill people and destroy houses.  ( worms, erosion )

6.       Camel stores fat in its ……………………….   ( legs, humps )

7.       ……………………….is an example of an Arctic animal.   ( harp seal, fennec fox )

8.       Grasshopper, leech, ant, butterfly are ……………………….   ( vertebrates, invertebrate )

9.       The sign        in a food chain means ……………………….   ( eaten by, eats )

10.   ……………………have bushy eye brows, flat pads on feet and perspire little.   ( horse, camel )


Fill in the blanks

1.       A living thing is also called an ……………………….

2.       A food chain shows the ……………….. relationships among organism.

3.       The leaves of cacti are reduced to ……………….. to cut water loss.

4.       A fish is the prey of an eagle, and the eagle is the …………………….. of the fish.

5.       An ………………………….. is a characteristic that enables an organism to survive in its habitat.

6.       Oil spill is a form of water ………………………..

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